Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Everything I Know About Writing In Six Words

"Read a lot, write a lot"

That's the golden rule for writers and wannabe writers, and it's practically all you need to know to get started.

I have three goals for this blog:

  • To talk about the craft of writing, and encourage those who want to write
  • To have a place to vent about my own struggles with writing, and
  • To talk about work that I have published or that is in the making.

While my personal interests tend towards science fiction and fantasy, I won't necessarily be restricting this blog to those genres.  Why should I? I think there's much to be learned from other writers, and other ideas - see part one of the golden rule: read a lot (and read widely, for that matter).

So, that's where I'm starting.  I hope you'll enjoy reading this.